Whether it’s in diagnostics, treatment or care management, Israel’s innovators are busy inventing and adapting technologies to ease the coronavirus burden on the world. The coronavirus crisis is first and foremost about people. People stuck at home, people out of work. People sick with the virus, people caring for them. People canceling dream weddings and vacations, people deciding public-health policies.

Technology is also about people.

Here in Israel, a powerhouse of innovative technology, people are busy inventing and adapting technologies to ease the corona burden.

“Technology has a great role to play in solving and helping us get through this crisis, from diagnosis, mitigation, patient tracking, contamination prevention, and protecting medical staff, to education and exercise for the homebound,” says OurCrowd CEO Jon Medved.

As you read below about Israeli medical technologies for the COVID-19 pandemic, remember that each one is about people – people striving to protect themselves, their loved ones and all humankind against this terrible pandemic.

Zdroj: Israel21c.org


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